With kids home for February vacation week, many families are taking trips. Although Winnie and Phinn aren’t going anywhere this break, they do have some tips to help protect your home while you’re away!
- Keep the fact you’re going away to a minimum. With social network sites like Facebook, Twitter (and even blogs!) sharing information with the world, it may not just be your friends who know when you are leaving.
- Consider purchasing some light timers. They are very inexpensive at home improvement stores and allow you to program your lights while you’re away. Putting them in rooms that face the road, or in areas that are easily seen from outside will give the impression that someone is home.
- Leave a car in the driveway. Leaving a car in the driveway will also give the impression that someone is home.
- Have a neighbor or friend clear snow from your car and walkways. Plus having them pull in your driveway will look like someone is coming and going to your house.
- Have someone collect the mail or ask the post office to hold your mail. Nothing says “I’m not home” like a paper and mail box overflowing.
- If you are going away for an extended trip, it might be a good idea to turn your water off. Especially with all the cold weather we have had lately, you don’t want to come home to burst pipes.
- Hide any valuable items like jewelry or expensive electronics. Consider a safe deposit box.
- Unplug any appliances. They could become a fire hazard if you’re not around.
- Don’t forget to arrange pet care! Winnie and Phinn might not be able to go with you, but they still need love and attention when you’re gone.

Vacations are meant to relax and enjoy and if you follow these helpful tips time won’t be wasted worrying about your home while you are gone. Winnie and Phinn are jealous but they will be enjoying their “staycation” and have plenty of playtime in the snow.
Until next time…